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DCIS gathers experts in the growing field of Microelectronics and Nanotechnology&#8211;based design and test of integrated circuits and systems&#046; It provides an excellent forum to exchange ideas and information on industrial and research results&#046; It is also a good opportunity to establish (or renew) personal contacts, which often lead to fruitful cooperation&#046; The Conference is especially designed to attract young researchers and to allow them to present and discuss their work&#046; Industry, Universities and R&D Institutions are invited to exploit cross&#8211;fertilization opportunities&#046; 20 years of successful events pave the way to build a community where personal communication and friendship have good opportunities to flourish&#046; DCIS 2006 will take place at Barcelona&#046; Last editions were at Lisboa (2005), Bordeaux (2004), Ciudad Real (2003), Santander (2002), Porto (2001), Montpellier (2000) and Palma de Mallorca (1999)&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Digital IC Design<br>Programmable Devices and Systems<br>Logic and Architectural Synthesis<br>System Design Methods<br>HW&#8211;SW Codesign<br>Embedded Design & SoC<br>Digital Signal Processing<br>Analog&#8211;Digital Interface Design<br>Analog & Mixed&#8211;Signal IC Design<br>RF ICs<br>Smart Objects & Wireless Applications<br>Communication Systems<br>Power Electronics &#8211; Devices & Systems<br>Low Power Design<br>Integrated Sensors & Actuators<br>MEMS<br>Nanoelectronics<br>Modelling and Simulation<br>Testability and Test Techniques<br>Failure Analysis and Reliability<br>Industrial Applications<br>