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The workshop will bring together a broad spectrum of chemists, materials scientists, physicists, and engineers from both industry and academia in a stimulating forum to share information and ideas in the emerging field of Organic Microelectronics&#046; The goal is to build an interdisciplinary community working on applications such as RFIDs, displays, sensors and photovoltaics while addressing some of the common scientific and manufacturing challenges to help these technologies advance in a more rapid, effective, and economical manner&#046; The technical program will focus on the areas of synthesis, theory, novel processing/patterning/fabrication and device physics through a series of presentations by renowned invited speakers and poster sessions&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> TFT CIRCUITS<br>Henning Sirringhaus, Cambridge University<br>Robert Blache, PolylC<br>Robert Rotzoll, OrganicID<br>Takao Someya, University of Tokyo<br>Paul Drzaic, Alien Technologies<br>TFT – PRINTING/POSTERS<br>Lynn Loo, University of Texas at Austin<br>Takeo Kawase, Epson<br>Karlheinz Bock, Fraunhofer IZM Munich<br>Ana Arias, PARC<br>MATERIALS<br>Tobin Marks, Northwestern<br>Iain McCullough, Merck<br>C&#046; Daniel Frisbie, University of Minnesota<br>Cherie Kagan, IBM<br>PHOTOVOLTAICS/POSTERS<br>Russ Gaudiana, Konarka<br>Yang Yang, University of California at Los Angeles<br>Anvar Zakhidov, University of Texas at Dallas<br>OLED/TFT FOR DISPLAYS<br>Joe Carr, ex Osram CEO<br>Heinz von Seggern, TU Darmstadt<br>Hagen Klauk, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research<br>Tom Jackson, Pennsylvania State University<br>Devin MacKenzie, Add Vision<br>Mun&#8211;Pyo Hong, Samsung<br>Arokia Nathan, University of Waterloo<br>