Graphics Hardware is a highly visible, established international forum for exchanging experience and knowledge related to computer graphics hardware. The event, held annually since 1986, offers a unique perspective on graphics hardware by combining discussions and constructive critique of innovative concepts as well as product–level designs. It is an inclusive forum for the entire graphics hardware community and brings together researchers, engineers, and architects. The program features two days of paper and industry presentations, with ample time for discussion during breaks, lunches, and the workshop banquet. This year′s event will be held in Vienna, Austria, jointly with Eurographics. <b>Keywords:</b> Graphics accelerator architectures<br>Performance measurement, modelling, and optimization<br>Exploitation of new memory technologies for 3D graphics<br>Integrated graphics chipsets<br>Graphics for mobile devices<br>Hardware support for image–based rendering<br>Volume rendering architectures<br>Multi–processor architectures for graphics<br>Load balancing in graphics systems<br>Space, screen, and model partitioning<br>Hardware support of new surface representations<br>Hardware support for photorealism<br>Software–hardware interfaces<br>Expansion and acceleration of shading models<br>Programmable graphics processors<br>Shading language implementation<br>Vertex and pixel programming techniques<br>General Purpose GPU papers which meet all of:<br>Graphics hardware is essential to the method<br>New and non–obvious algorithmic changes are required to run on graphics hardware<br>The algorithm is likely to have lasting value as GPUs change, or likely to influence GPU designs<br>
Deadline Paper
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