3D integration and packaging of semiconductor devices is gaining noticeable momentum within the semiconductor community. Once only a research curiosity, various forms of 3D integration and packaging are now reaching commercialization, and many continued advancements are expected in the near future. 3D architectures have clearly emerged as a serious contender in the challenges of meeting performance, cost, and size demands for semiconductor devices and products through this decade and beyond. Building integrated circuits in 3D can decrease the size of devices while at the same time offering enhanced performance, a feature not lost upon today’s designers dealing with interconnect issues in conventional 2D platforms. 3D architectures also allow the integration of different devices and circuit functions on the same chip—an additional advantage of key importance for the applications of today and tomorrow. The challenges the industry faces with interconnect issues are not easily solved on the current path of industry efforts. 3D architectures offer an alternative solution path to those challenges. <b>Keywords:</b> Emerging 3D Chip Technologies<br>a. Market and technology drivers<br>b. Key players and current status of 3D technology<br>c. Novel interconnect strategies<br>d. Performance benefits<br>e. Government and university initiatives<br>f. Competing solutions<br>2) Applications and Commercialization<br>a. Key enablers to commercialization<br>b. Applications and market opportunities<br>c. Adopters and Advocates<br>d. End users<br>e. Foundry perspectives<br>f. Market projections and analysts<br>3) Design Methodology and Tools<br>a. Products available and planned<br>b. Options<br>c. Modeling and simulation<br>d. Key issues and opportunities for vendors and users<br>4) Manufacturing in 3D<br>a. Yield and reliability<br>b. Test and inspection<br>c. Performance<br>d. Economics<br>e. Thermal issues<br>f. Design methodology and tools<br>g. Equipment and materials<br>
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