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We invite you to attend ICOPS 2006 which will feature an exciting technical program with reports from around the globe about new and innovative developments in the field of plasma science and engineering&#046; Leading researchers will gather to explore basic plasma physics, high&#8211;energy&#8211;density&#8211;plasmas, inertial confinement fusion, magnetic fusion, plasma diagnostics, pulsed power plasmas, microwave generation, lighting, micro and nano applications of plasmas, medical applications and plasma processing&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Basic Processes in Fully and Partially Ionized Plasmas<br>1&#046;1 Basic Phenomena<br>1&#046;2 Space Plasmas<br>1&#046;3 Partially Ionized Plasmas<br>1&#046;4 Computational Plasma Physics<br>1&#046;5 Dusty Plasmas<br>Microwave generation and Plasma Interaction<br>2&#046;1 Intense Beam Microwave Generation<br>2&#046;2 Fast&#8211;Wave Devices<br>2&#046;3 Slow&#8211;Wave Devices<br>2&#046;4 Vacuum Microelectronics<br>2&#046;5 Codes and Modeling<br>2&#046;6 Microwave Systems<br>2&#046;7 Microwave Plasma Interaction<br>Charged Particle Beams and Sources<br>3&#046;1 Plasma, Ion and Electron Sources<br>3&#046;2 Intense Electron and Ion Beams<br>High Energy Density Plasmas and Applications<br>4&#046;1 Fusion ( Intertial, Magnetic and Alternate concepts)<br>4&#046;2 Ultrashort Pulse Lasers and Particle Acceleration 4&#046;3 Z&#8211;pinches and Radiation Sources<br>4&#046;4 High energy Density Physics<br>Industrial, Commercial, and Medical Applications of Plasma<br>5&#046;1 Low&#8211;pressure Nonequilibrium Plasma Processing<br>5&#046;2 Atmospheric&#8211;pressure Nonequilibrium Plasmas<br>5&#046;3 High Pressure and Thermal Plasma Processing<br>5&#046;4 Plasma Thrusters<br>5&#046;5 Plasmas for Lighting<br>5&#046;6 Microplasmas and Flat&#8211;panel Displays<br>5&#046;7 Medical, Biological and Environmental Applications<br>Plasma Diagnostics<br>6&#046;1 Optical Diagnostics<br>6&#046;2 Particle Diagnostics<br>6&#046;3 X&#8211;ray Diagnostics<br>Pulsed Power and Other Plasma Applications<br>7&#046;1 Pulsed Power Technology and Other Applications<br>7&#046;2 Pulsed Power Switching<br>