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CAMPS06 is a follow&#8211;up of the successful CAMP (Computer Architecture for Machine Perception) series of workshops initiated in Paris, CAMP91&#046; The last one, CAMP05, took place in Palermo, Italy&#046; The focus of this series is to bring together researchers from academia, industry, and government to present, discuss and brainstorm the challenges; present and future, in the field of machine perception, including sensing&#046; This year, sensing is at the forefront of the workshop to accommodate the recent and emerging developments in the areas of sensors and sensor networks&#046; The name of the workshop has been modified to reflect this focus; the 2006 IEEE International Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception and Sensing, CAMPS06&#046; CAMPS06 will provide a forum of discussion of new developments, innovations, and emerging technologies, of new paradigms in design, construction, deployment and evaluation of perception and sensing architectures and systems&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> • Smart sensors and sensor fusion<br>• Sensor tasking and control<br>• Networked sensing and control<br>• In&#8211;network processing and aggregation<br>• Sensor network coverage, connectivity and longevity<br>• Data storage in sensor networks<br>• Data security in sensor networks<br>• Configurable and FPGA&#8211;based perception architectures<br>• VLSI Architectures in Perception (including co&#8211;design, low power etc&#046;<br>• Parallel architectures and algorithms for machine perception<br>• Real&#8211;time embedded systems (re&#8211;configurable, heterogeneous etc&#046;)<br>• Grid computing applied to perception<br>• Neural network and genetic algorithm applications in perception<br>• Rule&#8211;based systems, learning and knowledge&#8211;based perception machines<br>• Design methodology for perception systems<br>• Wearable computers<br>• Special purpose architectures: mobile robots, remote sensing, biomedical<br>• Network protocols for sensor networks<br>