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ACM/IEEE MSWiM 2006 is the 9&#8211;th Annual International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems&#046; MSWiM is an international forum dedicated to high level discussion of Wireless and Mobile systems, networks, algorithms and applications, with an emphasis on rigorous performance evaluation&#046; MSWiM is a highly selective conference that is recognized as one of the most prestigious sources of innovative ideas and breakthroughs in the field&#046; MSWiM 2006 will be held October 2 to 6, 2006, in sunny Terremolinos, in Spain&#046;<br>Authors are encouraged to submit full papers presenting new research related to the theory or practice of all aspects of modeling, analysis and simulation of mobile and wireless systems&#046; Submitted papers must not have been published elsewhere nor currently be under review by another conference or journal&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> Analytical Models<br>Design methodologies<br>Performance evaluation and modeling<br>Wireless Network Protocols<br>Prototypes and Testbeds<br>Survivability and reliability evaluation<br>Traffic measurements and models for wireless networks<br>RF channel capacity modeling and analysis<br>QoS provisioning in wireless and mobile networks<br>Security and privacy of mobile/wireless systems<br>Algorithms and protocols for energy efficent operation<br>New simulation languages and tools for wireless systems<br>Parallel and distributed simulation of wireless systems<br>Formal methods for analysis of wireless systems<br>Wireless Multimedia Systems<br>Wireless PANs, LANs<br>Ad Hoc Networks<br>Sensor and Actuator Networks: models and visions<br>Pervasive computing and emerging models<br>Integration of wired and wireless systems<br>Mobility modeling and management<br>Mobile applications, system software and algorithms<br>