The first international conference on Semantics And digital Media Technology (SAMT) targets to narrow the large disparity between the low–level descriptors that can be computed automatically from multimedia content and the richness and subjectivity of semantics in user queries and human interpretations of audiovisual media – The Semantic Gap.<br>SAMT started out as two workshops, EWIMT 2004 and EWIMT 2005, that quickly achieved enormous success in attracting high–quality papers and over 100 participants from across Europe and beyond. This year EWIMT has turned into the full–fledged conference SAMT, addressing integrative research on new knowledge–based forms of digital media systems. It brings together those forums, projects, institutions and individuals investigating the integration of knowledge, semantics and low–level multimedia processing, and links them with industrial research and development engineers who exploit the underlying emerging technology.<br>In cooperation with the European Commission DG Information Society, the third day of the conference is dedicated to featuring the launch of the 7th Framework ICT Research programme and keynote talks from EC representatives.<br><b>Keywords:</b> Integration of multimedia processing and Semantic Web technologies<br>Multimedia ontologies and infrastructures<br>Knowledge assisted multimedia data mining<br>Knowledge based inference for semi–automatic semantic media annotation<br>Integration of content–based image/video analysis with natural language and speech processing<br>Multimodal techniques, high dimensionality reduction and low–level feature fusion<br>Revelance feedback for finding semantics<br>Semantic–driven multimedia indexing and retrieval<br>Metadata management for multimedia<br>Browsing large multimedia archives<br>Scalable, semantic–driven multimedia content adaptation and summarization<br>Interfaces and personalisation for interaction with large multimedia repositories<br>Semantics–driven multimedia presentation generation<br>Content, user, network and semantics–aware media engineering v Standards bridging the multimedia and knowledge domains<br>
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