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SPAWC 2007, the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications is devoted to recent advances in signal processing for wireless and mobile communications&#046; This workshop brings together members of the signal processing, communications and information theory communities, working in universities, research centers and telecommunications companies&#046; The meeting will feature keynote addresses by leading researchers, as well as invited and contributed papers&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> * Smart antennas, MIMO systems, and space&#8211;time coding<br>* Fundamental limits on capacity and performance analysis<br>* Single&#8211;carrier, multi&#8211;carrier, and multi&#8211;rate systems<br>* Multiple access and broadcast channels, multi&#8211;user receivers<br>* Mobile location<br>* Cross&#8211;layer issues: from physical to networking layers<br>* Signal processing tools for ad hoc, multi&#8211;hop, and sensor networks<br>* Cooperative transmission and reception schemes<br>* Cognitive radio<br>* RFID<br>* Time, frequency, spatial, multi&#8211;user diversity in fading channels<br>* Ultra&#8211;wideband radio<br>* Modeling, estimation and equalization of time&#8211;varying channels<br>* Signal separation, and interference rejection<br>* Acquisition, synchronization, and tracking (data aided or blind)<br>* Spread&#8211;spectrum systems<br>* Source&#8211;channel coding<br>* Iterative (turbo) decoding, Monte Carlo signal processing<br>* Topics in wired&#8211;line: signal processing for power&#8211;line communications, digital subscriber loops and cable modems<br>