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European Productivity Conference An international European Productivity Conference dealing with competitiveness and productivity will be held in Finland in the summer 2006&#046; The conference seeks means to improve productivity and competitiveness in the spirit of the Lisbon Strategy&#046; The Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the TYKES programme of the Ministry of Labour, the labour market organisations, research institutions, the European Association of National Productivity Centres (EANPC) and the Finnish Employers&#8242; Management Development Institute FEMDI are behind the Finnish conference initiative&#046; Conference theme: Challenges in European competitiveness and productivity Companies and jobs are transferred to countries with lower payroll and taxation levels&#046; Enterprises operating globally do no longer commit themselves to any individual country&#046; Even the location of the head office does not guarantee the commitment&#046; This applies mainly to firms that manufacture products of low added value and often leads to resigning of personnel and winding&#8211;up of sub&#8211;contracting firms in Europe&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Collaboration<br>Well&#8211;being at work<br>Intellectual capital and knowledge management<br>Networking<br>Knowledge society<br>High technology<br>Innovation<br>Social capital<br>Performance management<br>New ways to organise work<br>Compensation and rewards systems