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A new paradigm – service&#8211;orientation – is currently emerging for distributed computing and e&#8211;business processing; it has evolved from object&#8211;oriented and component&#8211;based computing to enable building agile networks of collaborating business applications distributed within and across organizational boundaries&#046; This new paradigm utilizes services (autonomous platform&#8211;independent computational elements that can be described, published, discovered and accessed over the Internet using standard protocols) as fundamental elements for developing applications/solutions; services will be important for customers and not the specific software or hardware component that is used to implement the services&#046; In this context, services become the next level of abstraction in the process of creating systems that would enable automation of e&#8211;businesses&#046; This paradigm shift is changing the way the computer software is developed and used (designed, architected, delivered, consumed, and analysed), and this way of reorganizing software applications and infrastructure into a set of interacting services is usually referred to as Service&#8211;oriented Architectures (SOA)&#046;<br>In recent years, various forms of service&#8211;oriented architectures have appeared; amongst them, Web services, Grid services, Semantic Web Services, and e&#8211;Services are the most important&#046; Although they share some of the principles of service&#8211;oriented architectures, they differ in many other aspects, which is an undesirable situation in the context of service&#8211;oriented architectures&#046; Since standard protocols are a basic principle of SOA, this undesirable situation is partly due also to the fact that there are currently no mature methodologies and techniques to support analysis for service&#8211;oriented architectures&#046; Moreover, all these forms of service&#8211;oriented architectures have developed different conceptual models, resulting in different methodologies for modelling and designing service&#8211;oriented architectures&#046;<br>In this context, this workshop aims to tackle the research problems (as well as practical experiences) around methods, concepts, models, languages and technology that enable computing in service&#8211;oriented environments&#046; Of particular interest are the architectural, technical, and developmental foundations of service&#8211;oriented architectures, and showing how they combine synergistically to enable distributed computing on the scale required by today’s Internet&#8211;connected enterprise&#046;<br>This proposed workshop aims to bring together researchers and industry practitioners (e&#046;g&#046; leading modelers, architects, system vendors, open&#8211;source projects, developers, and end&#8211;users) addressing many of these issues (including recent developments in tools and techniques, and real&#8211;world implementations of service&#8211;oriented distributed applications), and promote and foster a greater understanding of how service&#8211;oriented architectures can assist business to business and enterprise application integration, thus helping people develop and manage business processes more efficiently and effectively&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> case studies for service&#8211;oriented architectures and systems<br>analysis methodologies for service&#8211;oriented architectures and systems<br>languages and methods for service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>specification of service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>modeling and simulation of service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>verification and validation of service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>evaluation of service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>analysis and design of mobile service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>patterns in modelling, design, and analysis for service&#8211;oriented<br>architectures<br>guidelines for developing service&#8211;oriented applications<br>techniques for integrating service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>semantic aspects and ontologies for service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>formal models for service&#8211;oriented architectures; reasoning with service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>service&#8211;oriented architectures and service application design and integration using MDA<br>quality of services (QoS) analysis and modelling in service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>services level agreements (SLAs) modelling and negotiation in service&#8211;oriented<br>analysis and modelling of security, privacy, and trust in service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>policy&#8211;based service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>methods for migrating legacy systems to service&#8211;oriented architectures discovery, composition, execution, monitoring, and mediation in service&#8211;oriented architectures adaptability and recovery strategies in service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>governance in service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>technologies for service&#8211;oriented architectures: Web services, Grid services, Semantic Web Services, and e&#8211;Services<br>middleware in SOA<br>standards for service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>tool for modelling, designing, and analysing service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>