South Korea
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The members of international committee and the organizers extend a warm welcome to every&#8211;one to join us at the Joint International Conference on Plastic Optical Fiber and Microoptics 2006 to be held in Seoul, Korea&#046;<br>Upon suggestions of ICPOF and MOC members, we agreed to have the two conferences at the same time at the same place sharing the plenary session and the banquet&#046; Registration will be also shared meaning that participants registered for one of the two conferences will be allowed to attend the other freely&#046; We plan to make common brochures using the conference title as &#8243;Joint International Conference on Plastic Optical Fiber & Microoptics 2006&#8243;&#046; However, proceedings will be published separately&#046;<br>The MOC&#8242; 06 is intended to provide a central forum for an update and review of scientific and technical information covering a wide range of microoptics field from fundamental researches to systems and applications&#046; The ICPOF 2006 provides a forum for discussion of the latest research results, new developments of the technology, implementations of systems and practical applications of all aspects of plastic optical fiber&#046;<br>We invite you to join us and exchange your innovative ideas and rich experience with other distinguished participants across the world in Korea&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> POF2006<br>Material Technology<br>Fiber and Cabling Technology<br>Passive and Active Components<br>Communication Applications<br>FTTH and Home Network Applications<br>Automotive Applications<br>Sensors and Illumination<br>Standards and Measurements<br>MOC2006<br>Theory and Design<br>Materials and Fabrication<br>Measurements<br>Passive Devices<br>Active Devices<br>Integration and Packaging<br>Systems and Applications<br>New Concept and Architecture<br>