Following two highly successful meetings in Milovy, Czech Republic in the years 1997 and 2002, The Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic will organize .<br>from August 19th to 25th, 2007<br>the third meeting under the name HARRACHOV 2007. We wish to continue the tradition of meetings on computational linear algebra in Central Europe, to follow the high spirit and the friendly and stimulating atmosphere of the previous meetings. In particular, we wish to combine an intense scientific program based on the well–balanced choice of excellent invited plenary talks given by distinguished scientists of all ages, complemented by parallel sessions of contributed talks, with a sufficiently long afternoon breaks which allows ample time for discussion and interaction among participants. The program will be planned for full five days Monday through Friday (arrival on Sunday, departure Saturday morning), with the Thursday afternoon and Friday devoted to lectures of the special joint event,<br>The 7th GAMM Workshop on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra,<br>coorganized with GAMM (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik). The previous workshops took place in Berlin (2001), Bielefeld (2002), Braunschweig (2003), Hagen (2004), and Dresden (2005).<br>Scientific Programme:<br>The meeting will traditionally concentrate on computational methods, namely on methods of numerical linear algebra, their (parallel) implementation and applications in different areas of science, engineering and technology. Since a considerable part of such applications arise from numerical solution of partial differential equations, we will support interactions between our fields by continuing our partnership with the series of meetings ALGORITMY, which started at the last meeting ALGORITMY 2005 in Podbanske, 17th in that series, March 13 – 18, 2005. The Scientific Program of HARRACHOV 2007 will therefore be prepared also in collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.<br><b>Keywords:</b>
Deadline Paper
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