Washington D.C
United States
Deadline Paper
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Constructing high reliability software is an engineering challenge that can now be met in many domains&#046; The application of software engineering methods, tools, and languages interrelate to make the challenge easier or more difficult&#046; This conference focuses on safety, security and high reliability systems and the issues related to their development&#046; Topics such as applied software engineering principles, conforming to specific safety or security standards, testing philosophies, programming language selection, etc&#046; will be discussed&#046; The conference will gather industrial experts, educators, software engineers, and researchers interested in developing, analyzing, and certifying reliable, cost&#8211;effective software&#046; Technical or theoretical papers as well as experience reports with a focus on, or comparison with, Ada are solicited&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> * Safety, security and high integrity development issues<br>* Language selection for a high reliability system: Ada, C, C++, Java, C#, or others<br>* Use of high reliability subsets or dialects: Java HIP, MISRA C, Ravenscar, SPARK, etc&#046;<br>* High reliability standards and their issues: DO&#8211;178B, EIC 61508, FDA, SAE, CC, EAL, etc&#046;<br>* Process and quality metrics<br>* Analysis, Testing, and Validation<br>* Use of ASIS for new Ada tool development<br>* Mixed&#8211;language development<br>* Quality Assurance<br>* Perforance Analysis<br>* High reliability software engineering education<br>* High reliability development experience reports<br>* Real&#8211;time networking/quality of service guarantees<br>* Fault tolerance and recovery<br>* Distributed system load balancing<br>* Static and dynamic code analysis<br>* Debugging complex systems<br>* Integrating COTS software components<br>* System Architecture & Design<br>* Information Assurance in the age of terrorism<br>* Use of new Ada 2005 features/capabilities<br>* Ada products evaluated per Common Criteria, Protection Profiles, or Security Targets<br>