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<P>Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer (P2P) systems are decentralized, self&#8211;organizing distributed systems that cooperate to exchange data&#046; These systems have emerged as the dominant consumer of residential Internet subscribers&#8242; bandwidth, and are being increasingly used in many different application domains&#046; In the last few years, research on P2P systems has been quite intensive, and has produced remarkable results in scalability, robustness, location, distributed storage, and system measurements&#046; Consequently, P2P systems continue to evolve, differentiating today&#8242;s state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art from earlier instantiations such as Napster, KaZaA, Gnutella, and Morpheus&#046; The International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer Systems (Hot&#8211;P2P), whose first edition has been held in Volendam, the Netherlands, on Oct&#046; 8th, 2004, second edition has been held in San Diego, California, on Jul&#046; 21st, 2005, and third edition has been held in Rhodes Island, Greece, on 29th april 2006, aims to bring together researchers and practitioners, from both industry and academia, in the fields of systems, networking, and theory, and to represent an occasion to share latest research results and ideas on P2P systems, thereby promoting research activities in this area&#046; </P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> Applications of P2P systems <BR>P2P systems and infrastructures <BR>Performance evaluation of P2P systems <BR>Workload characterization for P2P systems <BR>Trust and Security issues in P2P systems <BR>Network support for P2P systems <BR>Protocols for resource managements/discovery/scheduling and their <BR>evaluation <BR>Fault tolerance in P2P systems <BR>DHT and other scalable lookup algorithms <BR>Self&#8211;organization and self&#8211;management in Grid&#8211;like environments</P>