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Connect with the most accomplished international scientists, researchers and engineers by submitting your paper to these three International Conferences&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> • CAOL – Physics of advanced and novel lasers&#046; High power solid&#8211;state and gas lasers and applications&#046; Physics and engineering of nanostructures and new materials for optoelectronics&#046; Semiconductor lasers&#046; Laser resonators and beam propagation&#046; Laser biomedicine and chemistry&#046; Fiber nonlinear and singular optics&#046; Fiber optical vortices&#046; High&#8211;speed optics and optical Solitons&#046; Optical communications&#046; PBG and photonic crystal devices&#046; Optical measurement techniques&#046; Organic coherent optics and bio&#8211;photonics&#046;<br>• POEO – Nonlinear oscillating and vibrating systems, mathematical methods of analysis&#046; Narrowband signals and systems&#046; Statistical theory of electrical, mechanical, and optical vibrations and oscillations&#046; Theory and design of resonators, filters, oscillators, active and passive sensors, optical and other precision selective devices&#046; Mathematical modeling and simulation of physical processes in oscillators, filters, sensors, amplifiers, synthesizers, optical fibers and other similar devices&#046; Theory of BAW piezoelectric resonators with traditional and lateral field excitation&#046; Linear and nonlinear effects in BAW and SAW vibrating media with low, normal, and high drive levels, Multiple resonances, coupled vibrations and oscillations, multifrequency modes, frequency jumps, bifurcation, chaos&#046; Noise, aging and effects of environment in resonators, oscillators and devices&#046; Statistical problems of frequency, phase, time, time scales, synchronization, etc&#046; Applications in communication, radar, sonar, positioning, GPS, remote sensing, frequency control, control, robotics, instrumentation, mechatronics, medicine, and any other related fields&#046;<br>• ISP –Computational linguistic theories and formalisms, Representation of linguistic knowledge, Syntax Semantics, Word Sense Disambiguation, Statistical methods in computational linguistics, Corpus linguistics, Document classification and search, Information retrieval Information extraction, Text mining, Natural language interfaces, Image Coding , Image Compression, Image Restoration, Image Segmentation, Image Representation, Pattern Recognition, Processing, Motion Detection and Estimation, Object Tracking, Image Sequence Processing, Content&#8211;based Image Retrieval, Image Databases, Computer Imaging, Radar Imaging, Sonar Imaging, Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Video Processing, Video Coding, Video Streaming, Multimedia Processing, Digital Image Processing, Watermarking, Image Visualization, Visual Reasoning, Remote Sensing, Sonar Imaging, Artificial Intelligence Applications, Neural Networks Applications, Fuzzy Logic Applications, Computer Vision, medical applications&#046;<br>