Herzeliya and Haifa
Deadline Paper
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The International Conference on Systems Engineering and Modeling is a premier forum for the elicitation and exchange of ideas on issues and problems regarding systems engineering and its relation to the development, evolution, adoption, evaluation, and dissemination of approaches for conceptual models of complex systems&#046; The objective of the Conference is to improve practices of Systems Engineering modeling by endowing this evolving discipline with missing theoretical and methodological underpinnings and improving the communication of complex systems&#8242; function, structure, and performance among stakeholders&#046; In addition to research and practice papers the conference will feature invited speakers, tutorials, and an industrial exhibition&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> • Ontological foundations and requirements from a systems engineering modeling languages<br>• Standards for systems engineering models<br>• Assimilation of modeling practices within organizations: approaches and difficulties<br>• UML and SysML: scope, expectations, and limitations with respect to systems engineering<br>• Object&#8211;Process Methodology and its fitness for systems modeling<br>• Single vs&#046; multiple views: aligning and integration of system models<br>• Education for holistic systems thinking and modeling<br>• Approaches to complexity management and consistency maintenance in system modeling languages<br>• The relationships between a systems modeling techniques and a systems development methodology<br>• Methodologies, processes and modeling languages: implications and influences<br>• Information and software systems engineering: a sub&#8211;discipline of SE or a separate field?<br>• Human cognition and human factors engineering in designing systems<br>• Industrial experience with complex systems modeling: lessons learned<br>• Comparative studies of conceptual modeling approaches and languages<br>• Agile development of engineering systems<br>• Conceptual modeling for agile systems development<br>• Automatic generation of artifacts (e&#046;g&#046;, code, documentation) from models<br>• Testing and verification of system models<br>• Service systems Engineering<br>• Project Management as a systems engineering endeavor<br>• Model&#8211;based test design<br>• New types of systems engineering paradigms: biological, nano…<br>