White PlainsNY
United States
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ResearchIEEE PerCom 2007 will be the fifth annual conference on the emerging area of pervasive computing and communications aimed at providing an exciting platform and paradigm for anywhere, anyhowservices&#046; This emergence is a natural outcome of the tremendous advances in wireless networks, mobile computing, sensor networks, distributed computing, and agent technologies&#046; PerCom 2007 will provide a high profile, leading edge forum for researchers and engineers alike to present their latest research in the field of pervasive computing and communications&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> •Pervasive computing and communicationarchitectures<br>•Smart devices and intelligent environments<br>•Wearable computers<br>•Middleware services and agent technologies<br>•Ad Hoc networks for Pervasive communications<br>•Sensor and RFIDin pervasive systems<br>•Positioning and tracking technologies<br>•Virtual immersive communications<br>•Enabling technologies (e&#046;g&#046; wireless BAN, PAN)<br>•Mobile/Wireless computing systems and services inpervasive computing<br>•Context aware computing<br>•Autonomic computing and communications<br>•Programming paradigms for pervasive systems<br>•User interfaces and interaction models<br>•Trust, security and privacy issues in pervasive systems<br>