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In recent years, a range of performance evaluation methodologies and tools has been developed within disparate research communities for the purposes of evaluation, design, and model reduction&#046; The aim of the Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools conference is to build bridges between these communities, bringing theory and practice together in order to:<br>compare and debate the complete range of performance evaluation methodologies and their implementation into tools;<br>promote interdisciplinary flow of technical information among industry systems designers and researchers&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> Network calculus &#1048766; Advanced simulation tools<br>o Simulation of rare events<br>o Parallel/distributed simulations<br>o Variance reduction techniques<br>o Large deviations<br>&#1048766; Stochastic processes<br>o Stochastic geometry<br>o Long&#8211;range dependence<br>o Self&#8211;similarity<br>o Point processes<br>o Traffic models and measurements<br>&#1048766; Discrete event systems<br>o Petri nets<br>o Max&#8211;plus algebra<br>&#1048766; Queueing theory<br>o Analytical models<br>o Approximation methods<br>o (In)sensitivity<br>o Dynamic fluid models<br>o Diffusion models<br>o Dam processes<br>o Perturbation approaches<br>o Control of queues<br>