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The Second International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP) aims at becoming a major point of contact between researchers, engineers and practitioners in Computer Graphics&#046; We have chosen Interactive Environments for Computer Graphics as the main topic&#046; Indeed, games and virtual environments currently dominate both research and practice in our field&#046; The conference will be structured along four main tracks, covering different aspects related to Computer Graphics, from Modeling to Rendering, including Animation and Interactive Environments&#046;<br>We welcome papers describing original work in any of the areas listed below&#046; Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Conference Proceedings&#046; Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques as well as general survey papers indicating future directions are also encouraged&#046; Paper acceptance will be based on quality, relevance to the conference themes and originality&#046;<br>The conference program will include both oral and poster presentations&#046; Special sessions, dedicated to case&#8211;studies and commercial presentations, as well as technical tutorials, dedicated to technical/scientific topics, are also envisaged&#046; Companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in lecturing a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> AREA 1: GEOMETRY AND MODELING<br>&#8211; Geometric Computing<br>&#8211; Modeling and Algorithms<br>&#8211; Fundamental Methods and Algorithms<br>&#8211; Scene and Object Modeling<br>&#8211; Solid and Heterogeneous Modeling<br>&#8211; Surface Modeling<br>&#8211; Modeling of Natural Scenes and Phenomena<br>&#8211; Physics&#8211;Based Modeling<br>&#8211; Multi&#8211;Resolution Modeling<br>&#8211; Image&#8211;Based Modeling<br>&#8211; Texture Models, Analysis, and Synthesis<br>&#8211; Reflection and Illumination Models<br>&#8211; Model Validation<br>&#8211; CAGD<br>&#8211; CAD/CAM Systems<br>&#8211; Graphics Architectures<br>&#8211; Sketch&#8211;Based Modelling<br>AREA 2: RENDERING<br>&#8211; Systems and Software Architectures for Rendering<br>&#8211; Rendering Algorithms<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;Time Rendering<br>&#8211; Parallel Rendering<br>&#8211; Image&#8211;Based Rendering<br>&#8211; Volume Rendering<br>&#8211; Point&#8211;Based Rendering<br>&#8211; Lighting and Appearance<br>&#8211; Shadows, Translucency and Visibility<br>&#8211; Non&#8211;Photorealistic Rendering, Painting&#8211;like rendering, Drawing<br>&#8211; Rendering Hardware<br>AREA 3: ANIMATION AND SIMULATION<br>&#8211; Animation Systems<br>&#8211; Animation Algorithms and Techniques<br>&#8211; Animation Languages<br>&#8211; Animation from Motion Capture<br>&#8211; Character Animation<br>&#8211; Behavioural Animation<br>&#8211; Human Figure Animation<br>&#8211; Facial Animation<br>&#8211; Animation of Particle Systems<br>&#8211; Plausible Motion Simulation<br>&#8211; Animation and Simulation of Natural Environments<br>&#8211; Special Effects<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;time Visual Simulation<br>AREA 4: INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENTS<br>&#8211; Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments<br>&#8211; Distributed Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality<br>&#8211; Collaborative Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments<br>&#8211; Virtual Tours<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;time Graphics<br>&#8211; Graphics in Computer Games<br>&#8211; Collision Detection<br>&#8211; Graphical Interfaces<br>&#8211; Mobile Interfaces<br>&#8211; Advanced User Interfaces<br>&#8211; Hardware Technologies for Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments<br>