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The 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, known as ADCOM 2006 is organized by the Society of Advanced Computing & Communication, Bangalore, INDIA, during 20&#8211;23 December 2006&#046; ADCOM 2006 is hosted at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, popularly known as NITK, Surathkal, Mangalore, is one of the premier technical Institutes (Deemed University) located in the state of Karnataka; it is on the Arabian sea coast&#046;<br>The theme for ADCOM 2006 is AUTONOMIC COMPUTING&#046; Autonomic Computing & Self&#8211;Managing Systems is emerging as a significant strategic and holistic approach to the design of computer&#8211;based systems&#046; Its goal is the production of systems that are self&#8211;managing through key aspects such as self&#8211;configuring, self&#8211;healing, self&#8211;protecting and self&#8211;optimizing, in effect bringing pre&#8211;emptive and proactive approaches to all areas of a computer&#8211;based system&#046;<br>The main objective of this conference is to bring together the researchers in the field of Computing & Information Technology in general, and Autonomic Computing / Systems in particular who work from a Systems and Software Engineering perspective&#046; Accordingly, it will enable the academic and industrial researchers to identify major problem domains, match mature technologies to current problems, and promote inter&#8211;disciplinary research techniques that can be applied in Autonomic Systems&#046; Thus, besides autonomic computing, all areas of computing & information technology will be focused in this conference&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> Autonomic Computing & Communications<br>Value Added Applications and Services in autonomic computing<br>Autonomic Applications & Architectures<br>Multi agent systems and scout systems<br>Personal Autonomic Computing<br>Autonomic and pervasive Grids<br>Bio&#8211;system analogs in autonomic computing<br>Interfaces and self managing components<br>Security services/models in Autonomic Computing<br>Toolkits, Languages for autonomic computing<br>AI and Intelligent System Algorithm and Complexity<br>Mobile and wireless computing<br>Computer and Information security<br>Operating System<br>Graphics , Visualization and Multimedia<br>Databases and Information retrieval<br>Software architecture<br>Bioinformatics and Applications<br>Grid and cluster computing<br>Information Systems<br>Internet Computing<br>Advanced Computing and Application<br>Formal methods and Applications<br>Multimedia systems<br>Computer Communication Systems<br>Real Time Systems<br>Embedded System Programming<br>Software Methodology<br>Software Reliability Engineering<br>High performance computing<br>System Performance Evaluation<br>Web&#8211; Based System/Technology<br>Image Processing & Pattern Recognition<br>Power Aware Computing<br>