The 2007 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing is tentatively planned for August 26–29, 2007, at the beautiful Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison, Wisconsin. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers and scientists from the IEEE Signal Processing Society and related fields, for a two–and–one–half–day workshop focused on statistical methods in signal and image processing. The workshop will feature regular contributed paper sessions, special invited paper sessions, and a small number of plenary lectures covering basic theory, methods and algorithms, and applications in statistical signal processing. Areas of interest include array processing, telecommunications, distributed signal processing and networks, biosignal processing and bioinformatics, Monte Carlo methods, statistical image analysis, and machine learning. Partial financial support is anticipated from organizations such as the DARPA, the ONR and the NSF.<br><b>Keywords:</b> Adaptive systems and signal processing<br>Bioinformatics and genomic signal processing<br>Monte Carlo methods<br>Automotive and industrial applications<br>Detection and estimation theory<br>Array processing, radar and sonar<br>Distributed signal processing<br>Communication systems and networks<br>Learning theory and pattern recognition<br>Sensor networks<br>Multivariate statistical analysis<br>Information forensics and security<br>System identification and calibration<br>New methods, directions and applications.<br>Time–frequency and time–scale analysis<br>Biosignal processing and medical imaging<br>
United States
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