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The 2007 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing is tentatively planned for August 26&#8211;29, 2007, at the beautiful Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison, Wisconsin&#046; The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers and scientists from the IEEE Signal Processing Society and related fields, for a two&#8211;and&#8211;one&#8211;half&#8211;day workshop focused on statistical methods in signal and image processing&#046; The workshop will feature regular contributed paper sessions, special invited paper sessions, and a small number of plenary lectures covering basic theory, methods and algorithms, and applications in statistical signal processing&#046; Areas of interest include array processing, telecommunications, distributed signal processing and networks, biosignal processing and bioinformatics, Monte Carlo methods, statistical image analysis, and machine learning&#046; Partial financial support is anticipated from organizations such as the DARPA, the ONR and the NSF&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> Adaptive systems and signal processing<br>Bioinformatics and genomic signal processing<br>Monte Carlo methods<br>Automotive and industrial applications<br>Detection and estimation theory<br>Array processing, radar and sonar<br>Distributed signal processing<br>Communication systems and networks<br>Learning theory and pattern recognition<br>Sensor networks<br>Multivariate statistical analysis<br>Information forensics and security<br>System identification and calibration<br>New methods, directions and applications&#046;<br>Time&#8211;frequency and time&#8211;scale analysis<br>Biosignal processing and medical imaging<br>