Rio de Janeiro
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Grid Computing started as a generalization of Cluster Computing, promising to deliver unprecedent levels of parallelism to high&#8211;performance applications by crossing administrative boundaries&#046; Subsequently, this vision evolved to support on&#8211;demand access and composition of any computational service, provided by multiple independent sources&#046; Under this new vision, Clusters gained renewed importance as the &#8243;super&#8211;servers&#8243; of the emerging Grid infrastructure&#046; Meanwhile, the use of computational and data resources in high&#8211;performance applications, undertaken over Grid infrastructure, have started to now become a reality&#046; Today we face the huge challenge of making on&#8211;demand access to any computational service, the &#8243;computing as service&#8243; vision, a wide&#8211;spread reality&#046; The CCGrid Symposia have been part of this journey, bringing together researchers and practitioners and enabling them to share their insight, results, and experience in the multi&#8211;faceted areas of Grid and Cluster computing&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> • Grid Economies and Service Architectures<br>• Grid Architectures and Systems<br>• Utility Computing Models for Clusters and Grids<br>• Middleware for Clusters and Grids<br>• Programming Models, Tools, and Environments<br>• Resource Management<br>• Performance Evaluation and Modeling<br>• Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer Systems<br>• Grid&#8211;based Problem Solving Environments<br>• Grid Trust and Security<br>• Service Composition and Orchestration<br>• Community networks<br>• Community and collaborative computing networks<br>• Scheduling and Load Balancing<br>• Scientific, Engineering, and Commercial Applications<br>• Parallel and Wide&#8211;Area File Systems<br>• Support for Self&#8211;Managing/Self&#8211;Configuring Grid Infrastructure<br>