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The Nineteenth Asia&#8211;Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2007) will be held at Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel inside Bangkok, Thailand, on December 11&#8211;14, 2007&#046;<br>This conference will be organized by IEEE MTT/AP/ED Thailand Chapter, IEEE CAS Thailand Chapter, IEEE ComSoc Thailand Chapter, IEEE LEOS Thailand Chapter and IEEE Thailand Section&#046; The sponsor is the Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI) Association of Thailand&#046; The technical sponsor is IEEE MTT&#8211;S&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> Solid States Devices and Circuits<br>Low&#8211;Noise Devices and Technique<br>High&#8211;Power Devices and Techniques<br>Monolithic Integrated Circuits<br>Passive Devices and Circuits<br>Packaging, Interconnects, and MCMs<br>Ferrite and SAW Components<br>Superconducting Components and Technology<br>Microwave&#8211;Optical Design<br>Computer Aided Design<br>Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques<br>Electromagnetic Field Theory<br>Computational Electromagnetics<br>Microwave Antennas<br>Smart Antennas, Phased and Active Array<br>Scattering and Propagation<br>Microwave Remote Sensing and Sensors<br>Microwave and Millimeter Wave Systems<br>Communication Systems<br>High Speed Digital Circuits and SI<br>Biological Effects and Medical Applications<br>Submillimeter Wave Techniques<br>EMI and EMC<br>Photonics and Optics<br>Wireless and RF Components and Systems<br>Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Devices<br>Radar and Broadband Communication Systems<br>MEMS<br>PBG and Metamaterials<br>Any other relevant topics<br>