Long Beach
United States
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The 14th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW 2007) will be held in March 27 &#8211; 28, 2007&#046; RAW 2007 is associated with the 21th Annual International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2007) and is sponsored by the IEEE Computers Society&#8242;s Technical Committee on Parallel Processing&#046; RAW 2007 is one of the major meetings for researchers to present ideas, results, and on&#8211;going research on both theoretical and practical advances in Reconfigurable Computing&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Models & Architectures<br>Theoretical Interconnect & Computational Models<br>RTR Models and Systems<br>RTR Hardware Architectures<br>Optical Interconnect Models<br>Simulation and Prototyping<br>Bounds and Complexity Issues<br>Algorithms & Applications<br>Algorithmic Techniques<br>Mapping Parallel Algorithms<br>Distributed Systems & Networks<br>Fault Tolerance Issues<br>Wireless and Mobile Systems<br>Automotive Applications<br>Infortainment & Multimedia<br>Biology Inspired Applications<br>Technologies & Tools<br>Configurable Systems&#8211;on&#8211;Chip<br>Energy Efficiency Issues<br>Devices and Circuits<br>Reconfiguration Techniques<br>High Level Design Methods<br>System support<br>Adaptive Runtime Systems<br>Organic Computing<br>