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ICSE is the premier forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering&#046; The theme of ICSE 2007 is Developing Dependable Software, with which we acknowledge the increasingly crucial role the engineering of software plays in business, healthcare, government and society at large&#046; The theme also highlights the growing responsibility our profession and its members are expected to assume&#046; As such, an important goal of this meeting will be to reach out to other engineering and scientific disciplines that have an impact upon or benefit from software engineering know&#8211;how&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Requirements Engineering, Design, Software Architectures, Patterns, and Frameworks, Testing, Analysis, and Verification, Maintenance, Evolution, Re&#8211;/Reverse Engineering, Reuse, Software Understanding, Object&#8211;Oriented Technologies, Component and Interoperability Technologies, Interface Technologies, Programming Language&#8211;Based Approaches to S/W Engineering, AI&#8211;Based Approaches to S/W Engineering, Reliability, Quality Assurance, Safety and Security, Formal Methods, CASE Tools and Software Development Environments, Software Process, Workflow, CSCW, Software Project Management and Cost Estimation, Empirical Studies, Metrics, Configuration Management, Standards, Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues, Software Engineering for Application Areas