Palma de Mallorca
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The IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2007) will serve as a major forum for international researchers and professionals to present their latest research, results, and ideas in all areas of power and energy systems&#046; EuroPES 2007 aims to strengthen relations between the power industry, research laboratories, and universities <b>Keywords:</b> Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution<br>Power System Planning and Control<br>Load Management<br>Power Flow<br>Power System Transients<br>Reliability and Stability<br>Network Harmonics<br>Power Factors<br>Power Quality<br>Optimization Techniques<br>Power Switching<br>Protection and Control<br>Fault Location and Analysis<br>Modelling and Simulation of Power Systems<br>Power Plants<br>Distributed Generation<br>Co&#8211;Generation<br>DC Drives<br>Converters and Inverters<br>Relays<br>Cables<br>Electrical Machines<br>Power Supplies<br>Renewable Energy Sources<br>Energy Conversion and Conservation<br>Energy and the Environment<br>Energy Management Systems<br>Electricity Demand Management<br>Power Market Regulation and Deregulation<br>Global Restructuring of Electricity<br>Socio&#8211;Economic Aspects<br>Power Electronics Applications<br>Expert Systems Applications<br>Electric Vehicles<br>