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The IEEE 2007 Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS) will be held in Shanghai, China on October 17&#8211;19, 2007 &#046; SiPS is a major international forum for discussion of new recent progress, and innovations in the design and implementation of multimedia and telecom oriented digital signal processing systems&#046; The first workshop was held in 1982&#046; In 1997, this highly successful series of workshop has changed its name from &#8243;VLSI Signal Processing&#8243; to &#8243;Signal Processing Systems&#8243;&#046; SIPS 2007 will focus on topics at the convergence of multimedia signal processing, signal processing theory, VLSI architectures, communication networks, and integrated circuit implementations&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Multimedia Signal Processing Image, Video and Machine Vision Coding and Compression Multimedia Analysis and Content Extraction Medical Applications Multiple&#8211;Input&#8211;Multiple&#8211;Output (MIMO) wireless systems Software Defined Radio VLSI Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks and RF Identification Systems Cross&#8211;Layer Design of Wireless Networks<br>Programmable and Reconfigurable DSP Architectures<br>Design Methodologies and CAD Tools for VLSI signal processing systems<br>Application&#8211;Specific Integrated Circuits and Architectures<br>Low&#8211;Power Signal Processing Circuits and Architectures<br>FPGA&#8211;based Architectures<br>System Integration and Modeling<br>Systems on Chip and Networks on Chip<br>Bio and Nanotechnologies in Signal Processing<br>Switching and routing technologies