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The 8th annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conference will be held on beautiful Sand Key beach in Clearwater, FL on December 4&#8211;5, 2006&#046; The conference will address up&#8211;to&#8211;date multidisciplinary research needs and interdisciplinary aspects of wireless and RF technology&#046; The program includes oral presentations, poster presentations, and tutorials&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Next Generation (3G/4G) wireless communication systems<br>802&#046;11/HiperLAN2 Wireless LAN Systems (OFDM and multi&#8211;carrier)<br>802&#046;16/WiMax Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks and related technologies<br>Spread spectrum wireless systems<br>Communications in disaster/emergency/rescue<br>Smart antennas, adaptive antenna arrays, MIMO, and space&#8211;time processing<br>Cognitive radio, Software Radio, and Emerging Technologies<br>Ultrawideband (UWB) Communication: Applications, system and RF issues<br>Wireless Sensors Networks and Ad Hoc Networks<br>Telemetry and telemedicine application of wireless devices and systems<br>Advanced propagation modeling and sounding of communication channels<br>Cross&#8211;layer designs, integration of the physical layer technologies with other layers<br>System Architecture, Integration, and Convergence Issues<br>System Level Design, Modeling, and Simulation<br>RF channel characterization and modeling<br>Front&#8211;end subsystems; Low&#8211;Power RFIC and System&#8211;On&#8211;Chip Solutions<br>Power Amplifiers, Linearization and Active Components, incl&#046; NL transistor modeling<br>Advanced wireless and microwave circuit design and packaging , including RF MEMS<br>Base station and handheld antenna technologies, design and measurement<br>RF/Microwave measurement techniques<br>Space/Satellite Communication and related technologies<br>