Jülich & Aachen
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ParCo2007 marks a quarter of a century of the international conferences on parallel computing that started in Berlin in 1983&#046; This makes ParCo the longest running series of international conferences on the development and application of high speed parallel computing technologies in Europe&#046;<br>The high scientific standard of the conference presentations and the refereed proceedings have become the hall&#8211;mark of ParCo&#046;<br>The ParCo2007 conference is organised by the renowned research and teaching institutions Forschungszentrum J&uuml;lich and the RWTH Aachen University in Germany&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Section 1: Applications<br>The application of parallel computers to solve computationally challenging problems in the physical and life sciences, engineering, industry and commerce&#046; The treatment of complex multidisciplinary problems occurring in all application areas such as:<br>œspace, geographic, climate, environment and energy systems<br>œbiological, genetic and medical applications<br>œindustrial (manufacturing) and<br>œbusiness and financial applications<br>is of special interest&#046; The parallel processing algorithms and paradigms used should be discussed&#046;<br>Section 2: Algorithms<br>Design, analysis and implementation of generic parallel algorithms, including their<br>œscalability, in particular to a large number of processors (MPP),<br>œportability and<br>œadaptability&#046;<br>The parallel computing paradigm and/or the abstract machine model must be described&#046;<br>Section 3: Software and Architectures<br>Software engineering for developing and maintaining parallel software, including<br>œparallel programming models and paradigms<br>œdevelopment environments, compile&#8211;time and run&#8211;time tools&#046;<br>Architectures and operating systems for all types of parallel computers&#046; Performance evaluation and benchmarking techniques&#046;