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Components for Embedded and Real&#8211;time Systems is a minitrack at HICSS&#8211;40&#046; Since 1968 the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) has become a respected forum for the substantive interchange of ideas in all areas of information systems and technology&#046; HICSS&#8211;40 will be held January 3&#8211;6, 2007 at Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Component architectures and models<br>Component&#8211;based product lines for embedded applications<br>Non&#8211;functional properties, such as timeliness, reliability, safety, performance, fault&#8211;tolerance, and power consumption<br>Evaluation and analysis of non&#8211;functional properties and requirements<br>Real&#8211;time issues of component&#8211;based software engineering<br>Analysis methods for temporal predictability and determinism<br>Testing and debugging of component&#8211;based embedded applications<br>Component&#8211;oriented software re&#8211;engineering of embedded systems<br>Design patterns and architectural styles<br>Modeling and model driven development of components<br>Component models for security and adaptivity<br>Case studies and experience reports describing use of component&#8211;based<br>software engineering for developing embedded systems