United States
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This conference will act as a major international forum for researchers and practitioners to present their latest research, results, and ideas in all areas of parallel and distributed computing and systems, including software, networks, and applications&#046; All papers submitted to this conference will be double blind reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee&#046; Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> SYMPOSIUM 1: HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING AND NETWORKING (HPCN)<br>Parallel Computing , Cluster Computing , Heterogeneous Computing , Mobile Computing , Web Computing , Supercomputing , Grid Computing , Computer and Communications Networks , Optical Networks , Broadband Networks , Wireless Networks , TCP/IP Networks , ATM Networks , Home Networks , Interconnection Networks , Network Interfaces , Network Protocols , Network Performance , Network Security , Network Optimization , Network Management , Modelling and Simulation , Sensor Networks<br>SYMPOSIUM 2: DISTRIBUTED SOFTWARE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS (DSSA)<br>Parallel and Distributed Compilers , Operating Systems , Distributed Computing , Parallel Programming , Object&#8211;Oriented Systems , Software Development , Software Reuse , Distributed Agents , Software Tools , Internet Tools , Distributed Shared Memory , Embedded Systems , Real&#8211;Time Systems , Parallel I/O Systems , Web&#8211;based Systems , Multimedia Systems , Information Systems , Fault&#8211;Tolerant Systems , Distributed Image Processing , Parallel Data Structures , Distributed Databases , Data Warehousing , Data Mining , Knowledge&#8211;based Systems , Distributed Workflow Management , Distributed e&#8211;Commerce , Power Aware Systems , Compilers and Run Time Support , Application<br>SYMPOSIUM 3: PARALLEL ALGORITHMS AND ARCHITECTURES (PAA)<br>Algorithm Design , Parallel and Distributed Algorithms , Embedded Algorithms , Communication Algorithms , Optimization Algorithms , Randomized Algorithms , Algorithms for Heterogeneous Systems , Neural Networks , Genetic Algorithms , Algorithms for Quality of Service , Parallel Computer Architectures , Computational Models , Parallel VLSI Design , Re&#8211;Configurable Architecture , Resource Allocation , Load Balancing , Task Scheduling , Real&#8211;Time Scheduling , Message Routing , Protocol Design , Multicast Protocols , Visualization Tools , Security and Reliability , Modelling and Simulation , Power Aware Routing , Multicasting Algorithms , Applications