Thermal issues in microelectronics are becoming more prominent every year, with the mainstream press reporting on overheated electronics, and major players in the semiconductor field benchmarking their products by power consumption rather than speed. Interest in challenges and innovations in thermal management is growing in both depth – as companies integrate the technologies – and in scope – as the number of products containing some form of microelectronics continues to grow.<br>Thermal management of microelectronics, which is essentially an extension of device packaging technology, has the attention of corporate management from both the business and technology perspective, as these thermal challenges continue to limit the continuing improvements in product performance. The benefits of innovations and solutions, however, must be weighed against their development and implementation costs, as well as any marketplace barriers.<br>The First MEPTEC Thermal Symposium in 2005 detailed the issues from all levels – device, package, board, and system. The Second MEPTEC Thermal Symposium focused on high–end microprocessors and video graphics processors, two key drivers of thermal management technology. These continue to be critical applications based on market size and potential, but thermal solution technologies are increasingly driven by other types of end products, including mil–aero, medical, automotive, telecom, optoelectronics, portable, and consumer applications.<br>Thermal management challenges and innovations are important to companies throughout the entire product supply chain, and MEPTEC is again bringing together many influential speakers from a range of organizations to present at this annual symposium. The objective of this international event, typical of the MEPTEC symposium format, is to help attendees understand the reasons for thermal challenges, as well as the technology that will provide solutions and enable the electronics industry to continue down the path of ever greater performance. <b>Keywords:</b> Session 1: Thermal Management Overview: Trends and Technology<br>Session 2: Issues in Design and Analysis of Advanced Packages<br>Session 3: Thermal Effects and Solutions in the Back End Operation<br>Session 4: Thermal Management in Challenging Applications and Environments
MEPTEC Thermal Symposium
San Jose
United States
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