Smart Structures / NDE
San Diego
United States
Deadline Paper
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The Organizing Committee of SPIE’s 14th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring invites you to submit papers for what promises to be an exciting meeting&#046; This unique symposium offers many opportunities to network with colleagues from a variety of disciplines in academia, industry, and government from all over the world&#046; Over the last decade, this meeting has grown from small beginnings in the thenemerging field of smart systems into a premier symposium&#046; This symposium has been the incubator for the emergence of the field of electroactive polymers, also known as artificial muscles, for which the armwrestling contests is now one of its exciting annual events&#046; Complementary techniques and application of smart structures and materials have been discussed in the joint symposium with NDE and Health Monitoring for the past four years&#046; This event has developed into one of the world’s most important events discussing the monitoring of structural integrity and adaptive/intelligent structures&#046; Now, both symposia will be integrated into a single event&#046; This integration offers new avenues for collaboration and interaction opportunities to bring more advances and address greater challenges that lie ahead&#046; Such challenges include areas of homeland security, and benefiting from exciting fields of biomimetics, nanotechnologies and others&#046;<br>The Symposium covers all aspects of the evolving fields of materials, enabling technologies, sensor/actuator design and fabrication, MEMS, NEMS and other micro&#8211;, nano&#8211; and bio&#8211;electronic devices, biomimetics, signal processing and control, systems concepts, wireless sensors and sensor networks, modeling and simulation, and applications of these technologies to cover the whole spectrum of life in the 21st century including commercial, medical, aerospace, military uses and many others&#046; It also includes several parallel conferences on a range of topics related to NDE, health monitoring, safety, security, characterization of materials, and detection of materials defects and degradation, application of micro&#8211; and nanomaterial systems, health monitoring of structural and biological systems, NDE for aerospace materials and applications, and NDE technologies for homeland security&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> Smart Structures & Vehicles<br>Actuators and Damping<br>Biomimetics and Robotic Systems<br>Multifunctional Materials<br>Embedded and Self Diagnosis Sensors<br>Modeling and Control<br>Sensor Networks<br>Real&#8211;Time NDE<br>Structural Health Monitoring<br>