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After two successful editions in Tunisia, i&#046;e&#046;, ISCIII’03 and ISCIII’05, the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) of ISCIII’07 invites you to participate in this third edition in the costal city of Agadir Morocco&#046; While continuing to encourage high quality innovative papers, the SOC remains committed to facilitate encounters and exchanges among the top researchers in the field and rising stars&#046; Indeed, the venue was chosen to enhance interaction between participants as well as give the events an appropriate setting&#046; In fact, Agadir is a sister city to Miami, Florida! <b>Keywords:</b> * Artificial Life<br>* Autonomous Agents<br>* Cognitive Modeling<br>* Complex Systems<br>* Data Mining<br>* Decision Making<br>* Education and Training<br>* Embedded Real&#8211;Time Systems<br>* Fault Detection and<br>* Diagnosis<br>* Foundation of Intelligent Informatics<br>* Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Reasoning Genetic<br>* Algorithms<br>* Genetic Programming<br>* Hardware/Software Co&#8211;Design<br>* Information Ecology<br>* Intelligent Communication Systems<br>* Intelligent Control<br>* Intelligent Manufacturing Systems<br>* Intelligent Transportation Systems<br>* Knowledge Acquisition<br>* Learning and Adaptive Systems Machine Learning<br>* Man&#8211;Machine Interaction/Interfaces<br>* Mechatronics Design<br>* Micro/Nano Technology<br>* Mobile Machines<br>Modeling and Simulation<br>* Multi&#8211;Agent Systems<br>* Neural Networks<br>* Neuro&#8211;Fuzzy Systems<br>* Ontological Engineering<br>* Probabilistic Reasoning<br>* Robotics<br>* Virtual Reality<br>* Web Intelligence