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LADC is the major Latin&#8211;American event dedicated to discussing the many issues related to computer system dependability&#046; This symposium succeeds the well established Brazilian Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computers&#046; Its objective is to provide a forum for international and Latin&#8211;American scientists and engineers to present their latest research results and application experience in this very dynamic field&#046; The first LADC was held in São Paulo, Brazil, in October 2003, while the second was held in Salvador, Brazil, in October 2005&#046; In its third edition the symposium is going to take place in Morelia, Mexico&#046; The proceedings will be published by a major technical publisher; Springer Verlag was the publisher for LADC previous editions&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Critical Infrastructures Protection; Database and Transactional Systems; Dependability Benchmarking; Dependability Modeling, Prediction and Evaluation; Dependable Applications; Design for Testability; Distributed Systems; Experimental Dependability Evaluation; Fault&#8211;tolerant Algorithms; Information Assurance; Intrusion Tolerance; Critical Infrastructures Protection; Database and Transactional Systems; Dependability Benchmarking; Dependability Modeling, Prediction and Evaluation; Dependable Applications; Design for Testability; Distributed Systems; Experimental Dependability Evaluation; Fault&#8211;tolerant Algorithms; Information Assurance; Intrusion Tolerance; Networking and Mobile Computing; Parallel, Clustered and Grid Systems; Real&#8211;Time and Embedded Systems; Safety&#8211;Critical Systems; Security of Computing Systems; Software Engineering of Dependable Systems; Software Reliability; Software Testing, Validation and Verification; Storage; Survivability of Computing Systems; System Architecture