LADC is the major Latin–American event dedicated to discussing the many issues related to computer system dependability. This symposium succeeds the well established Brazilian Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computers. Its objective is to provide a forum for international and Latin–American scientists and engineers to present their latest research results and application experience in this very dynamic field. The first LADC was held in São Paulo, Brazil, in October 2003, while the second was held in Salvador, Brazil, in October 2005. In its third edition the symposium is going to take place in Morelia, Mexico. The proceedings will be published by a major technical publisher; Springer Verlag was the publisher for LADC previous editions. <b>Keywords:</b> Critical Infrastructures Protection; Database and Transactional Systems; Dependability Benchmarking; Dependability Modeling, Prediction and Evaluation; Dependable Applications; Design for Testability; Distributed Systems; Experimental Dependability Evaluation; Fault–tolerant Algorithms; Information Assurance; Intrusion Tolerance; Critical Infrastructures Protection; Database and Transactional Systems; Dependability Benchmarking; Dependability Modeling, Prediction and Evaluation; Dependable Applications; Design for Testability; Distributed Systems; Experimental Dependability Evaluation; Fault–tolerant Algorithms; Information Assurance; Intrusion Tolerance; Networking and Mobile Computing; Parallel, Clustered and Grid Systems; Real–Time and Embedded Systems; Safety–Critical Systems; Security of Computing Systems; Software Engineering of Dependable Systems; Software Reliability; Software Testing, Validation and Verification; Storage; Survivability of Computing Systems; System Architecture
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