United States
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PODC is a conference that focuses on research in the theory, design, specification and implementation of distributed systems&#046; PODC is sponsored by ACM, SIGACT, and SIGOPS&#046;<br>PODC solicits papers on all areas of distributed systems&#046; We encourage submissions dealing with any aspect of distributed computing, including theory and practice&#046; The common goal is to shed light on the principles of distributed computing&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> * communication and synchronization protocols<br>* distributed algorithms, analysis and complexity<br>* distributed operating systems, middleware platforms, databases<br>* economical aspects of distributed computing, selfish agents<br>* experiments and performance measurements in distributed systems<br>* fault&#8211;tolerance, reliability, availability, self organization<br>* high&#8211;performance, cluster, and grid computing<br>* internet, world wide web, social networks<br>* location&#8211; and context&#8211;aware distributed systems<br>* mobile computing, mobile networks, mobile agents<br>* multiprocessor and multi&#8211;core architectures and algorithms<br>* networking: architectures, services, routing, applications<br>* peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer systems, overlay networks, distributed data management<br>* security issues in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols<br>* sensor, mesh, and ad hoc networks<br>* shared and transactional memory, concurrent programming<br>* specification, semantics, verification, and testing of distributed systems<br>