Niagara FallsON
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Following the traditions of previous successful ISPA conferences, ISPA &#8242;03 (held in Aizu&#8211;Wakamatsu City, Japan), ISPA &#8242;04 (held in Hong Kong), ISPA<92>05 (held in Nanjing, China), and ISPA06 (held in Sorrento, Italy) the objective of ISPA &#8242;07 is to provide a forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to exchange and discuss their experiences, new ideas, research results, and applications about all aspects of parallel and distributed computing and networking&#046; ISPA &#8242;07 will feature session presentations, workshops, tutorials and keynote speeches&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> * Computer Networks<br>* Network routing and communication algorithms<br>* Parallel/distributed system architectures<br>* Tools and environments for software development<br>* Parallel/distributed algorithms<br>* Distributed systems and applications<br>* Wireless networks, mobile and pervasive computing<br>* Reliability, fault&#8211;tolerance, and security<br>* Performance evaluation and measurements<br>* Grid and cluster computing<br>* Internet computing and Web technologies<br>* Database applications and data mining<br>* High&#8211;performance scientific and engineering computing<br>