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Holonic and multi&#8211;agent systems provide a novel paradigm for managing, modelling and supporting complex systems&#046; This concept has proved to be successful in number of industrial domains such as manufacturing, real&#8211;time control, supply chain management, resource allocation and production planning/scheduling, air traffic&#046;<br>The conference aims to bring together researchers active in the area of holonic and multi&#8211;agent systems together with key engineers and industrial decision makers to share their views and experience in design, development and applying holonic and multi&#8211;agent systems for industrial problems&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Theoretical backgrounds behind holonic/agent concepts<br>Industrial applications of holonic and multi&#8211;agent systems (case&#8211;studies are specially appreciated)<br>Specification of holonic and agent&#8211;based architectures and design methodologies<br>Differences and similarities between the concept of holons and agents<br>Communication principles and standards<br>Virtual organisations & holonic factories &#8211; reconfigurable factories<br>Agent&#8211;based system integration<br>Modelling and simulation tools<br>Reconfiguration tasks, coalition formation, knowledge ontologies<br>Novel application areas (health&#8211;care, environmental protection, government, humanitarian missions)<br>Visions and future trends of holonic and multi&#8211;agent systems<br>Standardization issues, security issues, industrial needs<br>Obstacles and barriers to industrial applicability