The CPEM (Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements) is devoted to topics related to the measurement of electromagnetic quantities, including Time and Frequency, at the highest precision and accuracy levels, covering the frequency spectrum from DC through the optical region. As the maintenance of some of the highest accuracy electrical standards was converted to quantum devices, topics that relate the electrical standards to the fundamental constants were added to CPEM.<br>The CPEM attracts a highly specialized international participation. The main participant organizations are: the national standards laboratories; industrial organizations that manufacture the highest accuracy electrical standards and measurement instruments; industrial and government standards laboratories that interact extensively with national laboratories; and the universities that conduct research on precision measurements, standards and fundamental constants. <b>Keywords:</b> Fundamental Constants and Physical Theory Verification<br>Measurement of DC or AC Voltage<br>Josephson arrays<br>High voltage<br>Voltage ratio<br>Measurement of DC or AC Current<br>Single electron tunnelling<br>High current<br>AC/DC transfer<br>Measurement of Resistance<br>Quantun Hall effect<br>Cryogenic current comparator<br>Novel standards<br>Measurements of Impedance<br>Coaxial bridges and comparison systems<br>Primary and quantum standards<br>Novel standards<br>Extension to high frequency<br>Magnetic Measurements<br>LF Power and Energy<br>Sinusoidal<br>Distorted waveform<br>Time–varying regime<br>Radiofrequency, microwave and THz measurements<br>Power (power meters, bolometers, attenuators)<br>Impedance<br>Field measurements, antennas, EMC<br>Time and frequency<br>Atomic frequency standards (microwave and optics)<br>Noise, stability, instrumentation for time and frequency metrology<br>Time scale generators and synchronization<br>Resonators, oscillators and microwave synthesis<br>Atom interferometry<br>Optical wavelength metrology<br>Optical frequency measurements<br>Stabilized lasers<br>Measurement systems<br>Realization of the meter<br>Optical metrology<br>Power<br>Sensing<br>Interferometry<br>EM techniques for amount of substance precise measurement<br>New primary methods<br>Spectroscopy methods for accurate analysis of substance in geseous phase<br>Fluorescence spectroscopy measurement methods in analysis of biological systems<br>Electrochemistry<br>Data analysis, modelling and computational tools<br>MRA and international comparisons
United States
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