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The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM2007) is one of the major conferences sponsored by IEEE Communication Society, which serves as a forum for wireless communications researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested in the latest development and design of wireless systems&#046; All papers accepted will be included in IEEE Xplore and cited by EI&#046;<br>In 2007, WiCOM will be held in Shanghai, China&#046; You are invited to submit papers in all areas of wireless communications, networking, mobile computing and applications&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> Wireless Communication Technology<br>Space&#8211;time, OFDM, MIMO ; UWB and impulse radio; Channel modeling and characterization; Modulation/coding/signal processing; B3G Systems, WiMAX and WLAN; Advances in wireless video; Satellite communications; RFID technologies<br>Networking and Systems<br>Wireless sensors networking; Security in wireless networks; Network measurement and management; Routing in multi&#8211;hop, ad hoc and sensor networks; Wireless multicasting; Multimedia QoS and traffic management; Mobility, location and handoff management; Network protocols for mobile and wireless networks; Seamless internetworking of wireless LAN and cellular networks<br>Services and Application<br>Wireless/mobile networked applications; Voice over WLAN; Multimedia in wireless/mobile Ad&#8211;hoc networks; Authentication, authorization and billing; Advances in wireless video; Location based services (LBS); Applications and Services for the B3G/4G era; Radio resource management and protocol engineering; Regulation, spectrum management<br>