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IWOMP 2007 will take place in Beijing, China&#046; The workshop is the premier opportunity to learn more about OpenMP, to obtain practical experience and to interact with OpenMP users and developers&#046; The workshop will also serve as a forum to present research ideas and results related to OpenMP&#046; In keeping with the objectives and format of the previous workshops, IWOMP 2007 will feature three distinct parts&#046; The first part will provide attendees the opportunity to learn OpenMP through a tutorial that is particularly suitable for those with limited experience in OpenMP&#046; The second part will consist of presentations of technical papers and panels in which research ideas and results will be presented and discussed&#046; The third part, the OpenMP Laboratory, will provide attendees with the opportunity to obtain hands&#8211;on experience with OpenMP on either their own code or on prepared exercises using a variety of systems, compilers and tools, with assistance from experts from several different computer vendors and from the OpenMP community&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> OpenMP is an Application Programming Interface (API) widely accepted as a standard for high&#8211;level shared&#8211;memory parallel programming&#046; OpenMP is a portable, scalable programming model that provides a simple and flexible interface for developing shared&#8211;memory parallel applications in Fortran, C, and C++&#046; Since its introduction in 1997, OpenMP has gained support from the majority of high&#8211;performance compiler and hardware vendors&#046; There is also active research in OpenMP compilers, runtime systems, tools, and environments&#046; Under the direction of the OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB), the OpenMP standard continues to evolve&#046; The community of OpenMP researchers and developers in academia and industry is organized under cOMPunity, a forum for the dissemination and exchange of information about and experiences with OpenMP&#046;