The 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems will be held in Marrakech, Morocco on December 11–14, 2007. The conference will be co–organized by the Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs, and the Université de Montréal. ICECS is a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques and experimental results in emerging electronics, circuits and systems topics. ICECS 2007 will include tutorials, regular sessions (lecture and poster), special sessions and exhibitions. Prospective authors are invited to submit their manuscripts reporting original work, as well as proposals for special sessions and tutorials, in all areas of electronics, circuits and systems.<br>A special issue consisting of the best presented papers will be published with Springer Science & Business Media in the Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing International Journal. Authors of best papers will be invited to submit a full version, with more concentration on experimental results.<br><b>Keywords:</b> Analog Circuits and Signal Processing<br>Digital Circuits and Signal Processing<br>RF and Wireless Circuits & Systems<br>Biomedical Circuits & Systems<br>System Architectures and Applications<br>System Integration (SoC, Mixed–Signal)<br>Assembly and Packaging (SiP & Flip–Chip)<br>Sensing and Sensor Networks<br>Photonic and Optoelectronic Circuits<br>Test and Reliability<br>Neural Network Circuits & Systems<br>Heterogeneous Structures (HV, MEMS,...)<br>Advanced Technologies (Nano, BAW,…)<br>Telecommunications and Multimedia<br>
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