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The first international EURASIP workshop on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology will provide a premium forum for presentation of the most recent research in this new wireless communication technology, spanning the entire scope from an individual tag to entire systems based on RFIDs&#046; The objective is to continue, accelerate, and broaden the existing momentum in this field and foster collaboration among the actively involved research groups and industry partners&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Electromagnetic field measurements<br>Antenna design<br>Multiple antenna systems<br>Modulation schemes for RFID<br>Security and privacy issues<br>Link, system, and network level simulations<br>Hardware and software implementation issues<br>Inductive coupling for DC supply<br>Multi&#8211;frequency and broadband tags<br>Smart tags, programmable tags, and embedded systems<br>Sensor tags and RFID for asset tracking and localization<br>Multi&#8211;tag separation (arbitration, collision resolution)<br>Coexistence with other systems in sharded frequency bands<br>Passive tag mounting technologies<br>Tag localization algorithms<br>Advances in passive long range RFID technology<br>Manufacturing processes for RFID tags<br>Applications and industrial experience<br>