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FMCAD 2007 is the seventh in a series of conferences on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification&#046; FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems&#046; FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer&#8211;aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing&#046; FMCAD 2007 will include a full day of tutorials, and will be co&#8211;located with the ACL2 Workshop&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> * Foundations: advancing industrial&#8211;strength technologies in model checking, theorem proving, equivalence checking, abstraction and refinement techniques, property&#8211;preserving reduction techniques, compositional methods, decision procedures, SAT&#8211; and BDD&#8211;based methods, combining deductive methods with decision procedures, and probabilistic methods&#046;<br>* Verification applications: tools, industrial experience reports, and case studies&#046; We encourage the submission of materials relating to novel and challenging industrial&#8211;scale applications of formal methods, including problem domains where formal methods worked well or even fell short&#046; We also encourage submissions relating to the development and execution of methodologies for formal and informal verification strategies&#046;<br>* Applications of formal methods in design: topics relating to the application and applicability of assertion&#8211;based verification, equivalence checking, transaction&#8211;level verification, semi&#8211;formal verification, runtime verification, simulation and testcase generation, coverage analysis, microcode verification, embedded systems, software verification, concurrent systems, timing verification, and formal approaches to performance and power&#046;<br>* Model&#8211;based approaches: modeling and specification languages, system&#8211;level design and verification, design derivation and transformation, and correct&#8211;by&#8211;construction methods&#046;<br>* Formal methods for the design and verification of emerging and novel technologies: nano, quantum, biological, video, gaming, and multimedia applications&#046;<br>