The changes in microprocessor architecture, initiated by the introduction of new multicore and hybrid designs, will inevitably work a revolution in the practices and programming models of the scientific software community. The new era in system design is being driven by the convergence of two difficult problems: physical barriers to further increase in processor clock rates, the widening of the gap between processor and memory performance. It is rapidly becoming clear that these changes will also render obsolete much of the software built on the old model, including fundamental building blocks of Computational Science such as traditional numerical libraries. Unless many familiar and widely used algorithms, libraries, and applications are substantially rethought and rewritten, they simply will not be able to exploit the power that new generations of multicore and hybrid processors offer. At stake are much higher degrees of concurrency and computing power than older architectures, unlike the traditional designs, they will also force software developers to take responsibility for managing all this new complexity in order to achieve significant performance increases. The workshop attendees will present work on software frameworks that dramatically simplify the software process on these designs which are still so new that extensive experimentation is needed to see how well old techniques apply and to find more flexible and adaptive programming models the new regime will require. <b>Keywords:</b> * algorithm stability on hybrid numerical hardware<br>* parallel programming models<br>* compiler technology<br>* runtime systems and libraries<br>* performance characterization<br>
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