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The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT) is a major forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present the latest research, results, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of parallel and distributed computing&#046;<br>Following PDCAT’00 in Hong Kong, PDCAT’01 in Taipei, PDCAT’02 in Kanazawa, Japan, PDCAT’03 in Chengdu, China, PDCAT’04 in Singapore, PDCAT’05 in Dalian, China and PDCAT’06 in Taipei, Taiwan; PDCAT’07 will be held for the first time in Australia in the city of Adelaide in South Australia&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> 1&#046; Networking and Architectures:<br>• Interconnection networks 1&#8211;01<br>• Parallel/distributed architectures 1&#8211;02<br>• Heterogeneous and multimedia Systems 1&#8211;03<br>• ATM networks 1&#8211;04<br>• Reliability, and fault&#8211;tolerance 1&#8211;05<br>• Ubiquitous computing systems 1&#8211;06<br>• Computer networks 1&#8211;07<br>• Communication and telecommunication 1&#8211;08<br>• Wireless networks and mobile computing 1&#8211;09<br>• Optical networks 1&#8211;10<br>• Grid computing systems 1&#8211;11<br>• Reconfigurable architecture 1&#8211;12<br>2&#046; Software Systems and Technologies:<br>• Formal methods and programming languages 2&#8211;01<br>• Internet computing 2&#8211;02<br>• Image processing and computer vision 2&#8211;03<br>• Agent technologies 2&#8211;04<br>• Operating systems 2&#8211;05<br>• Software tools and environments 2&#8211;06<br>• Parallelizing compilers 2&#8211;07<br>• Web services 2&#8211;08<br>• Component&#8211;based and OO Technology 2&#8211;09<br>• Simulation and Visualization 2&#8211;10<br>3&#046; Algorithms and Applications:<br>• Parallel/distributed algorithms 3&#8211;01<br>• Task mapping and job scheduling 3&#8211;02<br>• Distributed data and knowledge based systems 3&#8211;03<br>• Image processing and computer graphics 3&#8211;04<br>• High&#8211;performance scientific computing 3&#8211;05<br>• Reconfigurable high&#8211;performance computing 3&#8211;06<br>• Resource allocation and management 3&#8211;07<br>• Network routing and communication algorithms 3&#8211;08<br>• Bioinformatics 3&#8211;09<br>• Database applications and data mining 3&#8211;10<br>• Intelligent computing and neural networks 3&#8211;11<br>4&#046; Security and Privacy:<br>• Access control and authorization 4&#8211;01<br>• Authentication, biometrics, smartcards 4&#8211;02<br>• Distributed systems security 4&#8211;03<br>• Mobile code and mobile agent security 4&#8211;04<br>• RFID applications 4&#8211;05<br>• Privacy preserving computation 4&#8211;06<br>• Applied cryptography 4&#8211;07<br>• Database security 4&#8211;08<br>• Intrusion detection and survivability 4&#8211;09<br>• P2P & ad hoc networks 4&#8211;10<br>• Security protocols 4&#8211;11<br>