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INSS 2007 is the fourth annual conference with a selective single&#8211;track technical programs&#046; Its aim is to provide a platform where researchers from academia and industry come together to discuss and address technical problems and solutions in these research areas&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Sensors Materials and Fabrication (new materials, smart structures, MEMS and Nano fabrication technologies, sensors and sensor system packaging)<br>Sensor Phenomena and Modeling (sensor operation theory, characterization, CAD design and modeling)<br>Sensors (physical, mechanical, chemical, biological, optical sensors and actuators at micro and nano scales)<br>Sensing Systems (wireless sensor system architecture, sensor&#8211;based system&#8211;on&#8211;chip design, multiple&#8211;sensor array and system, intelligent sensing, integration of sensors and microelectronics, low power sensor interface electronics design, sensor system packaging and environmental compatibility, environmental energy harvesting, sensor system design trade offs and techniques, bio&#8211;implantable sensor networks, data acquisition, telemetry, wakeup radio, system integration, process and cost of manufacturing, energy scavenging and RF&#8211;ID tags)<br>Communication protocols (MAC and link layer problems, routing and transport protocols tailored for networked sensor system, redundancy, data aggregation, and mobility support; gateways to fixed Internet)<br>Middleware (Configuration and installation support, service discovery, distributed algorithms in WSN, harmonizing node&#8211;centric and data&#8211;centric addressing, sensor calibration, localization and synchronization)<br>Security(primitives for appropriate cryptographic protocols, secure system engineering)<br>Data management for networked sensing Applications (wireless environmental monitoring, harsh environment sensing, transportation, automotive, aeronautical and space sensor systems, bio&#8211;robotics sensing and communication, homeland security, military, civil and industrial infra&#8211;structures safety, intelligent biomedical and improved healthcare system)<br>Prototypes, field studies, and testbeds (novel sensor node prototypes, measurements within sensor network testbeds)<br>