The 13th IEEE RTCSA will bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry for advancing the technology of embedded and real–time systems and ubiquitous computing applications. The conference has the following goals: to investigate advances in embedded and real–time systems and ubiquitous computing applications; to promote interaction among the areas of embedded computing, real–time computing and ubiquitous computing; to evaluate the maturity and directions of embedded and real–time system and ubiquitous computing technology. <b>Keywords:</b> Track I: Real–Time Systems<br>Real–time operating systems and scheduling, Timing analysis, Fault–tolerance, Databases, Programming languages and run–time systems, Middleware systems, Design and analysis tools, Communication networks and protocols, Architectures, Formal methods, Case studies, and Applications<br>Track II: Ubiquitous Computing<br>Real–time issues in ubiquitous computing Infrastructure for ubiquitous computing Location–dependent and context–aware computing Smart sensors and sensor network Portable devices and wearable computers Passive, active and smart tags Software architecture for ubiquitous computing Human computer interaction Security and privacy<br>Track III: Embedded Systems<br>Operating systems and scheduling Embedded Systems System–on–chip design HW/SW co–design Power/thermal–aware design issues Embedded multimedia applications Embedded system design practices Networks–on–chip design Embedded system architecture Design optimization (memory, performance etc.)<br>
South Korea
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