The sixteen Euromicro Conference on Parallel Distributed and network–based Processing will cover all the fields of high–performance computing, from advances in scientific and engineering applications to new proposals in programming and problem solving environments, models, languages and architectures. The conference will provide a forum for discussion on recent results dealing with parallel, distributed and network computing. Emerging new areas of research like global, peer to peer and grid computing will be represented in PDP 2008.<br><b>Keywords:</b> * Network–based Computing: web computing, cluster computing, mobile agents, distributed web services, security in distributed systems.<br>* Parallel Computer Systems: massively parallel machines, high performance networks, network–on–chip systems, embedded parallel and distributed systems, fault–tolerance, memory organization, parallel I/O.<br>* Models and Tools for Parallel Programming Environments: performance prediction and analysis, simulation, knowledge–based parallel program development, visualization tools.<br>* Advanced Applications: computations over irregular domains, combinatorial optimization, multi models and multi disciplinary applications, numerical applications with multi–level parallelism, real time distributed applications, distributed business applications.<br>* Languages, Compilers and Runtime Support Systems: task and data parallel languages, functional and logic languages, object–oriented languages, dependability issues, scheduling and load balancing, task and object migration, emerging languages, compilers for multicore architecture and for emerging architecture, virtualization for HPC, measurement and monitoring.<br>* Global computing: grid computing, P2P computing, desktop grids, computational grids, data grids, semantic grids, grids middleware, data consistency in P2P.<br>
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